About Us
BINUS COLLABORATION CENTER was established in 2014 with the role to create, implement, and evaluate collaboration with international and local higher education institutions, industry, government and NGOs to support internationalization efforts of BINUS GLOBAL Directorate. We are proud to partner with over 120 foreign higher education institutions and a long list of partners from other walks of life.
We are a member of P2A (Passage to ASEAN), ISEP (International Student Exchange Program), AIMS (ASEAN International Mobility of Students) and we partner with many top universities, including Waseda University, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, King’s College London, and University of Nottingham.
We partner with various major industries, such as DBS, AUTODESK, YAMAHA, MPM Group, Education First, Weber Saint – PT CiptaGobain Mortar Utama. We facilitate joint research programs with all our partners. We have been first university partner of Education First in Indonesia for EPT survey research, and we have initiated first BINUS Research and Industry Networking.
We are initiator and a member of the Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI), through which we organize short courses, with Udayana University, for instance, and exchange programs with institutions like UniversitasKristen SatyaWacana. Further, we are proud to support the government and also NGOs such as KomisiPerlindunganAnak Indonesia (KPAI), Nawala Nusantara, YayasanCintaAnakBangsa(YCAB) and The Association for International Human Rights Reporting Standards (FIHRRST) in several academic programs.
Our collaboration areas are as follows: