After previously serving as Deputy Head of the International Relations Global Class from 2016 to 2018, Charan is now the Manager for Global Class. As a lecturer in the field of Political Economy and Development Studies, he has also taught at the Nanyang Technological University (QS# 26), Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, the University of Western Australia (QS# 72) and Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.

Charan holds a doctorate in Political Science from Murdoch University and a master in Sociology and Anthropology from the National University of Singapore. Charan’s research interests broadly lie in the areas of politics, governance, and development in Southeast Asia. He studies how economic development and political conflict influence the governance of transnational issues such as labour migration and climate change. He also serves as a Thematic Editor (Political Economy and International Studies) for Asian Studies Review.

You can contact him at