BINUS UNIVERSITY in collaboration with the Victorian Government of Australia created The Nationwide University Network in Indonesia to provide an international lecture series over the course of 26th-30th October 2020. In its second incarnation, this lecture series brought together prominent academic experts from leading universities across Indonesia and Australia to discuss pressing topics that are impacting the world today from public health and the post-COVID labor market to big data and beyond.

NUNI International Lecture Series by BINUS UNIVERSITY & the Victoria Government of AustraliaNUNI International Lecture Series by BINUS UNIVERSITY & the Victoria Government of Australia

The NUNI International Lecture Series 2020 featured renowned speakers from some of the most prominent universities in Australia and Indonesia including Dr. Ilham Akbar Habibie MBA, Dr. H Sandiago Uno BBA, MBA – Vice Governor of Jakarta, Dr. David Goodwin – Associate Professor of Victoria University, Professor Iain Martin – Vice-Chancellor and President of Deakin University, and Dr. Scott Bingley – Senior Lecturer and Program Director of SAP at Victoria University, Dr. Adi Pranoto – Senior Lecturer at Swinburne Business School, Swinburne University of Technology, and Dr. Rudi Rusdiah BE, MA – Chairman of the Indonesian Big Data and AI Association among many others. Leading academics from BINUS University and Andalas University served as moderators for the panel discussion.

The seminar topics covered a broad scope of topics including Innovative Education for Jobs of the Future: Higher education’s role in a post-COVID world, Designing Supertight Cities Post COVID-19, Public Health, Transport Systems and Civic Infrastructure, and Lightning in a bottle: Big Data Analytics. The seminars took place by Zoom with attendees being provided a unique link following the registration process. There were two ‘rooms’, one for the panelists and one for the attendees with the opportunity for a question and answer session by attendees afterward.

Through this lecture series, BINUS UNIVERSITY aims to bring together the most recognized academic minds from across Indonesia and Australia to delve into some of the most pressing topics facing academia today whilst overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic through using digital technology and harnessing it to provide even greater access to these vitally important discussions.