BINUS UNIVERSITY collaborates with Institut Franҫais d’Indonésie (IFI) will conduct “Europe towards 2030 : decline or rebirth?”

Public Lecture “Europe towards 2030 : decline or rebirth?”

Speaker                : Nicolas Tenzer – French Senior Official and Founder of Centre for Study Research for Political Decision (CERAP)

Day and date       : Thursday, 15 February 2018

Time                      : 10 AM – 12 PM

Venue                   : Room 310, 3rd Floor, BINUS UNIVERSITY, Joseph Wibowo Center, Senayan Campus, Jalan Hang Lekir I No. 6, South Jakarta

Benefit                 : SAT Points (for BINUS Students)

RSVP                     :

More info:

International Office


T: +6221 5345830 ext 1322, 1325
