BINUS UNIVERSITY Receives 4 Star Rating by QS

BINUS UNIVERSITY was recently awarded a 4-star rating by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British publisher specializing in education. The university was judged on a variety of categories in achieving this rating which included teaching; employability; research; internalization; social responsibility; computer engineering; and inclusiveness.

Out of the 8 categories, BINUS UNIVERSITY earned 100% of the available points for its employability, as the institution has an excellent reputation amongst domestic employers in addition to its high graduate employment rate of 97%. This has been attributed to the career service support provided to students coupled with the large number of partnerships the university actively pursues in academia as well as industry.

Other major improvements have been through three indicators: Inbound Exchange Students, Outbound Exchange Students, and Religious Facilities. As such, the university’s ranking for research has significantly improved, contributed by the fact that 26 out of the 50 available research collaborations are with international partners. Additionally, BINUS UNIVERSITY has more than 39 nationalities represented on its campus.

BINUS UNIVERSITY achieved a total of 63 points and 2 Stars for the strength of its study programs. Its undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering has been nationally internationally and nationally recognized. Furthermore, the university’s facilities were awarded 5 stars, with full points for student accommodations, IT infrastructure, sports facilities, medical facilities and student societies.

This latest achievement highlights BINUS UNIVERSITY’s continuous efforts to provide its students with an education system that supports creative minds, eager to lead major academic and industry breakthroughs.