We have hosted students from over 30 countries around the world since 2001. Students from overseas can seek degree from BINUS UNIVERSITY and be enrolled as a full time student. Learn about many undergraduate programs that BINUS offers at Global Class, BINUS INTERNATIONAL, BINUS Northumbria School of Design, BINUS Business School and BINUS ASO School of Engineering (conducted in Bahasa and English).

Our English-delivered programs mainly runs in BINUS INTERNATIONAL JWC Campus and BINUS Northumbria School of Design. As students, you can opt to complete a single degree track from BINUS, or join our exclusive double degree (3+1 and 2+2) program and dual award program with our world-leading partner universities from Australia, Asia, Europe, and the U.S.

During the 4-year study duration, we embedded 1-year Enrichment Program where you can choose to study overseas, do volunteer activities, conduct an internship, do research projects, or participate in a business project. This Enrichment Program complements your classroom knowledge with real-life experience.

Our hybrid-modular curriculum and CIDER (Catalyst for Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, & Research) Park idea incubator* facilitate integrative project-based and solution-oriented learning. Learn more about these available following majors for undergraduate degree:

Each majors offer plentiful streamings (specializations) to choose. See available streamings here.

For master programs, see MM Professional and MM Executive .


Our academic year normally starts every September each year. We have only September intake for undergraduate programs, while for postgraduate/master programs, you can start in March, May, September, or November.

International Applicant Application Form** Download Here


*CIDER is only available at BINUS INTERNATIONAL.

**For BASE (BINUS ASO School of Engineering) and International Relations applications, please contact us through global@binus.edu.


For further details, please contact us:

Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27
Room 330 (3rd  Floor)
Jakarta Barat 11530, Indonesia
Phone.     : +621 534 5830 ext. 1325
Fax.         : +621 530 0244
E-mail      : global@binus.edu
Website   : http://global.binus.ac.id