BINUS University will be hosting 27 students and 3 facilitators from Singapore Polytechnic as part of the Learning Express (LeX) collaboration which will take place from the 2nd to the 13th September 2019. From BINUS University, 27 students will have the chance to work closely with their Singaporean peers to find innovative solutions to local challenges. The program will involve intensive immersion with a community in Rusunawa Pesakih (Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat) to identify specific issues and needs facing the local community and to formulate sustainable and innovative solutions using the Design Thinking approach.

The program will involve the BINUS students cooperating directly with the students from Singapore Polytechnic on 3 project areas, namely waste management, community farming and community engagement. These three specific areas present unique challenges in Indonesia and therefore require a fresh approach which the format of the collaborative project offers. This program will provide students from both universities with an occasion to work closely with peers from a different culture, thus offering a different viewpoint which will demand strong intercultural communication skills and teamwork alongside the other varied demands of the project such as critical thinking and solution-focused analysis.

Working closely with Teach for Indonesia (TFI), the program provides the opportunity for BINUS University to expand the scope of its international programs to community development activities and social innovation projects that benefit local communities in Indonesia with the potential for broader applications.