The Global Class at BINUS University is designed to produce global-minded graduates with the skill sets and experience to succeed in a globalized environment of innovation and enterprise. Our approach is to immerse students in international learning environments with state-of-the-art disciplinary knowledge to equip them to navigate the global challenges of the future successfully.

Global Class students are provided with an enhanced learning experience inside and through extra-curricular enrichment. This is one of the main characteristics that separate the Global Class from regular undergraduate degree programs in the country. At least 90% of classes are conducted in English. In their 3rd year of study, Global Class students must do a study-abroad semester in one of our exclusive partner universities across Asia, Europe and North America. Credits gained are automatically transferred to BINUS.

To prepare students before their study abroad, Global Class maintains a high academic standard in its foundational courses that reflects contemporary developments and debates in their respective disciplines. In addition, Global Class organizes workshops to help students develop soft- and life skills needed during their study abroad and upon graduation. Furthermore, we collaborate with global industries in Indonesia to invite speakers with extensive international exposure.

What makes us different from regular undergraduate programs in Indonesia?

  1. Courses taught entirely in English.
  2. Relatively smaller class sizes allow more innovative and interactive teaching methods.
  3. Emphasis on case studies, problem-solving and critical thinking.
  4. Global class offers exclusive opportunities for studying abroad in top universities across three continents.
  5. All Global Class students gain international experience from the compulsory study abroad program.

Global Class is currently offered for three undergraduate programs:

  1. Computer Science
  2. International Business Management
  3. International Relations

For more info, send your inquiries to where our team will be more than happy to accomodate you.