BINUS UNIVERSITY Participates in the NISC University Fair

BINUS UNIVERSITY participated in the virtual NISC University Fair during 19th-24th October 2020 which provided the opportunity to potential students to understand more about university options available to then in addition to how to be ‘university ready’ and study abroad options. The event took place online and featured 147 universities, 4 embassy representatives, 149 info sessions, also 10 keynote sessions throughout the week.

The ’College Readiness’ information session was undertaken by BINUS UNIVERSITY, Newcastle University and Goal Business Education. It examined the difference between the life and expectations of high school students and those of university including the need to be self motivated, organised and responsible when it comes to organising a work schedule. The presentation also spoke about the importance of selecting a course that interests you as well as the importance of honing non-academic skills such as communication and people skills through programs such as mentorships which Goal Business Education provides.

A further presentation on ‘The New Normal and the Two Degree Program’ was delivered by Stephen Healy, the Founder and Manging Director of Nurture Higher Education and Goal Business Education which looked at how the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on distance learning as well as aspirations to study abroad. Participants were introduced to Goal Business Education’s Connected Learning Community which enables students to study at both BINUS UNIVERSITY and Newcastle University, Australia for their undergraduate business degree and to build and maintain connections through alumni networks, professional contacts and mentors from both institutions. This program enables students to grow their contacts within a framework of the highest standards of international business education for improved employability in the future.

The NISC University Fair provided BINUS UNIVERSITY with a platform to reach future students from both Indonesia and abroad to show them how international standard education opportunities remain available to them, even at a time when the future feels very uncertain and has had a significantly negative impact on young people in terms of their future aspirations and mental health. Through working with organisations such as Goal Business Education, BINUS UNIVERSITY aims to offer students the most varied options for study abroad programs alongside the relevant tools to harness their cultivated network for their future career opportunities.