BINA NUSANTARA is an education institution committed to empowering the community by providing high quality education throughout the archipelago. Having strived towards this goal for 40 years, BINUS SCHOOL Semarang is the latest incarnation of these efforts to provide world class education to additional communities in Indonesia serving as the 4th school in the BINUS SCHOOL network.

Since 1998, BINUS SCHOOL Education has been operating in Jakarta, Serpong and Bekasi fostering children with a high degree of academic ability alongside a competitive spirit and strong character that reflects the values of Indonesia. To date, BINUS SCHOOL has 4,127 active students with 3,865 graduated alumni and 150,000 BINUSIANs who are actively working, all of which are playing a role in the development of Indonesia.

BINUS SCHOOL Education works in cooperation with the developer IPU Land to create schools that are internationally accredited and located in sought after locations. The ‘Pearl of Java’, Semarang is the latest project by IPU Land consisting of more than 300 hectares of land and offering a concept of ‘One Stop Living’ through the provision of hotels, apartments, parks, landed houses, tourism facilities, government offices and educational facilities.

The BINUS SCHOOL, Semarang will offer state of the art teaching facilities using the Cambridge curriculum while also drawing on the local environmental and traditional wisdom to create a unique learning experience.

This latest addition to the BINUS SCHOOL network marks the continuation of the BINA NUSANTARA’S efforts to provide quality education throughout Indonesia, a mission that will continue with further expansion in the future.