Department of International Relations in collaboration with the Indonesian Association for International Relations (AIHII) carried out Kijang Initiative Forum on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at Syahdan Campus. The first edition forum of the year discussed a topic "Transforming International Studies: A New Cosmopolitanism and the Contemporary Challenges of Planetary Realizations" and brought Prof. Ananta Kumar Giri of Madras Institute of Development Studies, India as the speaker.

During the session, Prof. Ananta Kumar proposed ideas on the transformation of the discipline ‘international studies’. He started his presentation with a suggestion that ‘international studies’ should evolve from ‘inter-disciplinary’ to ‘trans-disciplinary’ which drew a warm response from the audience.

Kijang Iniative is a discussion forum that enables academics around the world to exchange ideas on international relations, business, and diplomacy, organized regularly by Department of International Relations, BINUS UNIVERSITY. The forum brings different scholars from various countries, such as United States, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia to present their perspectives and ideas.