BINUS UNIVERSITY Programming Team has advanced to the 2014 World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest, organized by the Association for Computing Machinery after their participation in the 2013 Regional Qualifier for the ACM Intercollegiate Programming Competition (ICPC).

In November last year, Panda Shu, consisting of computing prodigies Jennifer Santoso, Vincentius Madya Putra and Daniel Agusta with their coach Muhsin Shodiq traveled to one of the fourteen Asia regional contest sites at National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. Competing among 70 teams from universities and colleges across the region, Panda Shu has met up to the challenge and advanced to the ACM ICPC World Finals in Ekaterinburg, Russia, June 22 – 26, 2014, hosted by Ural Federal University.

Sponsored by IBM, the ACM ICPC is the world’s most prestigious collegiate programming contest. Each year, programming teams of three students compete in local regional contests in the fall. The top 100 teams from around the world advance to the world finals in the spring. The ACM ICPC contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test their ability to perform under pressure.